Geo Targeting

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Targeting on DSPs with Geography

Geo-targeting is a popular programmatic media targeting technique that allows advertisers to deliver ads to specific audiences based on their geographic location. Here are some examples of how geo-targeting can be used in programmatic media:
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  • Location-Based Advertising
    We can target users based on their location data, such as their city, region, or zip code. This enables them to deliver ads that are more relevant to local audiences, such as promotions for local businesses or events.
  • Geofencing
    Advertisers can create a virtual “fence” around a specific location, such as a store or event venue, and deliver ads to users who enter that area. This allows us to target users who are likely to be interested in a brand’s products or services based on their physical location.
  • Proximity Targeting
    Similar to geofencing, proximity targeting allows advertisers to target users who are in close proximity to a specific location, such as a store or event. This enables advertisers to deliver ads in real-time, encouraging users to visit the store or attend the event.
  • Regional Targeting
    Advertisers can target users based on broader regions, such as a state or country. This can be useful for targeting users in specific geographic areas where the brand’s products or services are most popular.

Overall, geo-targeting offers advertisers a powerful tool for reaching specific audiences based on their physical location, driving better results and ROI for their campaigns.

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