The Trade Desk Technology
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Technological Advantages
The Trade Desk offers several technological advantages over other demand side platforms. These not only let us secure more efficient and better performing inventory, they also allow for more active optimization strategies – all of which contribute to more effective advertising campaigns.
Some of the specific technologies inherent in The Trade Desk platform are as follows:

- Queries per second (QPS)
This is the industry metric for bidding power. The Trade Desk platform is capable of providing one of the highest levels available, and is more than double the level of most DSP’s. This high volume of QPS is significant because a system cannot bid on inventory it doesn’t see. And more bidding options means better and more efficient inventory. - Line Item Bidding
DSP’s were built originally on legacy IponWeb technology. With IponWeb, optimization requires building out line-item targeting groups. This can be a laborious and inefficient process. The Trade Desk platform is built on proprietary bid-factor multiplier technology that allows for bid factoring on line items. This is both more effective and time saving when it comes to optimizing campaigns. With Line Item Bidding, we optimize far more, incrementally favoring higher performing factors and discount lower performers. This The Trade Desk line item bidding technology revolutionized how we optimize campaigns. - KOA and Audience Predictor AI
In addition to the increased manual line-item optimization capabilities The Trade Desk Technology provides, another powerful aspect of The Trade Desk Technology is its machine-learning AI. The Trade Desk has developed a host of auto-optimization tools, known as KOA, that can help improve performance over an array of bidding parameters, including audiences, supply vendors, publishers, geography and more. Having KOA on our campaigns further improves their performance.
The superior technology that powers The Trade Desk is one of the cornerstone reasons why all our campaigns run through The Trade Desk.
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